Lighting is the soul of a Design scheme – whether interior or exterior, it has the ability to reveal the hidden potential in spaces by accentuating and complementing the decor. Good lighting can create cosy spots and draw attention to important elements in a space by promoting moments of drama, layers, and visual depth. In 2022, lighting trends are looking brighter than ever and are adding another dimension to lighting by looking at it as functional art. Here are some trends to look out for in lighting design.

Zoning Your Home With Lighting

You may have heard about ways to zone an open plan space with lighting before, but the idea extends so much further than just how the physical fixtures can help demarcate areas from one another and create zones in the space. Directional lighting, whether that’s spotlights or downlights, can be used to draw the eye to a certain area, while grouping a different style, colour or luminosity of lighting can also create a ‘zone’ within your open-plan space, without actually creating physical divisions.

Focus on Accent Lighting

Another trend you can expect to see in self-builds and extensions in 2022 is a greater focus on accent lighting. While accent lighting may offer ambient lighting and task lighting in some applications, it’s generally defined as a type of lighting that is designed to highlight a feature of the space.

Biodynamic Lighting

For the last few years, you’ll have seen the concept of biophilic design crop up on the interior design trends list, but did you know that this concept can be applied to lighting too? Biodynamic lighting is a concept by which light is adapted throughout the day to meet the requirements of a healthy circadian rhythm. To put it in simple terms of cool light vs warm light – it’s brighter, whiter light in the morning and during the day, while a warmer, softer light is used in the evening to help stimulate the hormones that allow for healthy sleep cycles.

Play with Colour

Adding a little bling to the space with electric colours is a big trend in 2022. Less is not always more but sometimes, more is good, is a thought that has translated itself into lighting designs. So own your space by decking it up by adding a punch of colour.  A well-honed choice that cleverly mixes contrasting yet complimenting hues can change the mood of a space to a great extent.

Be mindful of the Function

Gone are the days when lighting and interior design were detached. 2022 brings in Lighting design options that seamlessly blend in with the design scheme of your space, all the while being conscious of the function. The knack is to be able to blend aesthetics and utility by taking up one room at a time. There wide range of luminaires with different colour temperatures bringing in versatility and flexibility to accommodate your needs through different times of the day.

We are always looking forward to bringing to you the best lighting solutions to elevate your spaces.  Here’s hoping that these stunning lighting design ideas, curated by our experts will inspire you to imagine your spaces that befit your personality and needs.