The choices you make now will have an impact on the future generations. Here’s how you can make small changes to your house to ensure a sustainable and a better tomorrow

Since independence, India has made stellar progress in various sectors, be it science, defence, sports, arts, or any other sector. However, the one aspect, which requires our dire attention is the environment and sustainability sector. And while India has constantly resolved to take care of our ecology, it is our duty as the citizen of the country to also do our bit in making our home and surrounding sustainable. 

“Our homes bring perhaps one of the largest carbon footprints into our lives, so tidying them up to be more eco-friendly can be a small step towards a more sustainable lifestyle,” opines Jay Morzaria, president, NAREDCO NextGen India.

Here are little things you can do at your home that will give you, and the future generations the freedom to live a good life

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